The Tudor Society

Reminder – October’s Live Chats

Just in case you missed the dates on the schedule, here's a reminder about the dates and times of this month's live chats. They will take place on 19th and 27th October.

October's informal live chat, which is on the topic of the Yorkists, is taking place on Saturday 19th October.

Here are the times for the chat in different time zones:

If your time zone is not listed here, then you can use to convert the London time to your zone.

The chat will last for an hour and will take place in the Tudor Society chatroom at

If you haven't been to one of these chats before, an informal chat is a chance for members to discuss/debate a topic. Claire will be there as moderator, just to keep an eye on things. We can talk about members of the House of York, such as Edward IV and Richard III, the Wars of the Roses, Elizabeth of York... anything Yorkist-linked, and we can also share recommendations for books, series, documentaries and resources.

October's expert live chat is with Lauren Johnson, who spoke to us on Henry VI. If you missed her talk then you can click here to view it now. Lauren is joining us in the chatroom on Sunday 27th October (see times below) and members can ask her questions about Henry VI, her talk, the Wars of the Roses, her books and her research. We'll be giving away a copy of her book Shadow King: The Life and Death of Henry VI to one lucky chat participant.

Here are the times for the chat in different time zones:

If your time zone is not listed here, then you can use to convert the London time to your zone.

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