The Tudor Society

#OTD in Tudor history – 20 July

On this day in Tudor history, Queen Claude, consort of Francis I of France, died; Philip of Spain arrived in England in readiness for his marriage to Mary I; and Protestant leader John Knox published a pamphlet attacking the Catholic Queen Mary I...

  • 1524 – Death of Queen Claude of France, consort of Francis I, at the age of just twenty-four. She died at Blois and was temporarily laid to rest in the chapel there, but then moved to the royal abbey of St Denis just outside Paris in 1527. See video below.
  • 1547 – Death of Beatus Rhenanus (or Beatus Bild), humanist, classical scholar and friend of Erasmus, in Strasbourg. His works included a biograpy of priest and preacher Johann Geiler von Kaisersberg, a nine volume work on Erasmus, the Rerum Germanicarum Libri III and his editions of the work of Roman historian Velleius.
  • 1554 – Philip of Spain arrived in England, at Southampton, in readiness for his marriage to Mary I. See video below.
  • 1554 - John Knox, a leader of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland, published “A Faithful Admonition to the Professors of God's Truth in England”, an attack on Mary I and her religious policies. See video below.

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#OTD in Tudor history – 20 July