The Tudor Society

#OTD in Tudor history – 12 May

On this day in Tudor history, Cardinal Wolsey presided over the burning of Luther's books; four men were tried for sleeping with and plotting with Queen Anne Boleyn; Baron Hussey was charged with treason; and a friar refused to recant his allegiance to Rome...

  • 1521 – Cardinal Wolsey announced the papal bull against Martin Luther in a ceremony outside St Paul's. Luther's books were then burned. See video below.
  • 1536 - Mark Smeaton, Sir Henry Norris, Sir Francis Weston and William Brereton were tried at a special commission of oyer and terminer, and Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, was appointed Lord High Steward of England in readiness for ruling, as Lord President, over the trials of Anne and George Boleyn, See video below.
  • 1537 – John Hussey, Baron Hussey, was charged with treason, for conspiring against Henry VIII and raising a rebellion against the King in Lincoln during the Pilgrimage of Grace. See video below.
  • 1538 – John Forest, a Franciscan friar, refused to recant his allegiance to Rome. See video below.

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#OTD in Tudor history – 12 May