The Tudor Society

Historical Fiction at 99p or $0.99 each – 23 and 24 March 2016

MadeGlobal 99As this MadeGlobal Publishing promotion includes books by Tudor Society contributors and members, plus I know many of you enjoy historical fiction, I thought I'd share this news here.

MadeGlobal Publishing's fiction books are on offer as Kindle Countdown Deals on and Amazon UK from 1am on 23rd March until 11pm on 24th March.

The kindle versions will be on offer on those Amazon sites for $0.99 or 99p, making them complete bargains so do grab them while you can. They're all wonderful books and will keep you busy over the Easter break. You don't even need a kindle as Amazon have free kindle reading apps for smartphones, tablets and computer - click here for details on and click here for Amazon UK.

You can read more about the offer and the books involved at

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