The Tudor Society

This week in Tudor history Part 1 – A man who refused a title, Lady Jane Grey’s reprieve, and a naughty earl with a magic ring

In this first part of "This Week in Tudor History", I introduce a chap named John, one of the many johns in his family, who turned down a title; explain why Lady Jane Grey's execution was postponed and what happened, and introduce an earl who appears to have been a bit of a Tudor bad boy.

8th February 1545, in the reign of King Henry VIII - Death of courtier and soldier Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, or John Arundell III, a man who turned down a barony from King Henry VIII. Find out why.

9th February 1554 - Queen Mary I postpones Lady Jane Grey's scheduled execution and gives her a three-day reprieve. Her execution had already been postponed from 7th February, and in December 1553 it had appeared that Jane would be given mercy. What happened between December 1553 and February 1554? Why did Mary finally sign Jane's death warrant and then why did she give her a reprieve? Find out!

10th February 1564, in Queen Elizabeth I's reign - Death of Henry Neville, 5th Earl of Westmorland. Neville served King Henry VIII as a soldier, swapped sides in the succession crisis of 1553, and appears to have been a bit of a Tudor bad boy, being involved in dastardly plots against his own family. He had a magic ring though!

Sir John Arundell's memorial brass, which depicts him in full armour, can be seen at

My video on the executions of Lord Guildford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey:

Other events for 8th, 9th and 10th February:

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This week in Tudor history Part 1 – A man who refused a title, Lady Jane Grey’s reprieve, and a naughty earl with a magic ring