The Tudor Society

The Battle of Bosworth continues

In this week's Claire Chats, I explain the situation with Bosworth Battlefield, what it's all about, what happened at the planning meeting and what we can about it.

Please so sign the petition at, wherever you are in the world.

I think you'll also find this video from Dr Glenn Foard on the battlefield of interest:

Sources and Further Resources

There are 5 comments Go To Comment

  1. S

    This is horrible…we must protest!!

    1. C - Post Author

      Yes, definitely!

  2. L

    Thanks so much to you and all of the other historians for actively spreading the word about this issue, Claire!! Hopefully all of our voices will eventually stop this threat and preserve Bosworth for good!!

    1. C - Post Author

      Apparently the petition now has over 10,000 signatures so it’s really good news.

  3. B

    Thanks, very interesting, I understand the Brazilian factors now.

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The Battle of Bosworth continues