This Sunday’s Tudor fun is a quiz that tests your general Tudor knowledge.
Just how much do you know about the Tudor kings and queens and their reigns?
Find out!
[Read More...]This Sunday’s Tudor fun is a quiz that tests your general Tudor knowledge.
Just how much do you know about the Tudor kings and queens and their reigns?
Find out!
[Read More...]How much do you know about the important events that took place early in the month of July in the Tudor period? Well, lots if you tune into my “on this day” videos regularly!
Test your Tudor history knowledge with this week’s fun quiz. Good luck!
[Read More...]Every Sunday we have a bit of Tudor history fun. Sometimes it’s a crossword puzzle or wordsearch, and other times it’s a quiz. Today it’s quiz. So, grab yourself a snack and your favourite beverage, make yourself comfortable, and let’s get those little grey cells working!
Good luck!
[Read More...]Happy Sunday! Here at the Tudor Society, we celebrate the day of rest by exercising only the little grey cells. Grab your favourite beverage and something yummy, make yourself comfortable, and let’s get started. Good luck!
[Read More...]Love him or hate him, Thomas Cromwell is a fascinating historical personality. Test your knowledge of Henry VIII’s right-hand man with this fun quiz. Good luck!
[Read More...]The Tudor Society weekly quiz this Sunday is a true or false quiz on some famous Tudor women. Test your knowledge with this fun little quiz – good luck!
[Read More...]Test your knowledge of Tudor history with this week’s quiz. Grab your favourite beverage and a snack, make yourself comfortable and get your grain working with these general Tudor history quiz questions. Good luck!
[Read More...]In January 1547, King Henry VIII died and left his throne to his son and heir, Edward. Henry’s will made provisions for the nine-year-old King Edward VI to be helped by a regency council, but how much do you know about this council and what happened in early 1547? Test your knowledge with this fun quiz. Good luck!
[Read More...]The years 1540 to 1542 were rather busy for King Henry VIII, but how much do you know about the events of those years? Test yourself with this fun quiz. Good luck!
[Read More...]Test your knowledge of our favourite royal house with this fun quiz. Grab your favourite beverage, get comfy and get that brain working. Good luck!
[Read More...]How much do you know about Edward Seymour, brother of Queen Jane Seymour and Lord Protector in Edward VI’s reign,
and his second wife, Anne Stanhope? Grab your favourite beverage, make yourself comfortable and get those little grey cells working with this little quiz – good luck!
How much do you know about the ladies who served Mary throughout her life, from when she was a princess, through her being the illegitimate Lady Mary, and then on to her time as queen? Test yourself with today’s quiz. Good luck!
[Read More...]It’s time for our weekly quiz so grab your favourite beverage and make yourself comfortable. Today’s topic is unauthorised weddings, relationships and betrothals. Good luck!
[Read More...]It’s that time of week again! Sunday is the day of the week where we exercise the little grey cells with our Tudor quizzes. This week’s quiz is a Tudor trivia quiz – good luck!
[Read More...]Showtime’s “The Tudors” TV series caused all kinds of confusion by amalgamating Henry VIII’s two sisters in one character named Margaret, and throwing in lots of inaccuracies too! So, how much do you know about these two women and do you know which woman did what?
Grab a drink and snack, sit comfortably and get those little grey cells working with today’s fun history quiz. Good luck!
[Read More...]Happy Sunday! Yes, it’s that time of week again! Time to grab a coffee and snack, get yourself comfortable and test your Tudor history knowledge. Don’t worry, it’s all good fun.
Good luck!
[Read More...]It’s that time of week again! Time to test your Tudor history knowledge with a fun quiz. Grab your favourite beverage and a snack, and good luck!
[Read More...]Yes, it’s time for our weekly quiz, so grab a comfortable seat, a refreshing drink (and a yummy snack, why not?)
and test your Tudor history knowledge with this fun quiz. Good luck!
Yes, it’s Sunday already! How time flies! Grab your favourite beverage and a yummy snack, get comfortable and have some fun with this little Tudor history quiz. It’ll get those brain cells working!
[Read More...]This week’s Sunday fun is a general Tudor history quiz so grab that coffee, get comfortable and let’s exercise that brain of yours! Good luck!
[Read More...]As it has been the anniversary of the execution of Margaret Pole, this week, I thought it would be interesting to pick the year 1541 and to write a quiz about the events of that year. How much do you know about this year in Henry VIII’s reign? Grab a coffee and/or your breakfast and let’s get started. Good luck!
[Read More...]This week for our 144th quiz we’re commemorating the anniversary of Queen Anne Boleyn’s execution on this day in 1536 with questions about her fall.
[Read More...]Grab a coffee, make yourself comfortable and exercise those little grey cells with a quiz on one of your favourite subjects. This week’s quiz is a general Tudor history quiz and we hope you enjoy it. Good luck!
[Read More...]This week’s quiz is a general Tudor history quiz and is the perfect way to start your Sunday. Good luck and have fun!
[Read More...]Today’s quiz is another general Tudor history quiz so grab a coffee and a snack and enjoy testing yourself on your Tudor knowledge with this fun quiz.
[Read More...]Grab a coffee and your Sunday brunch and get those little grey cells working with this fun quiz on general Tudor history. Good luck!
[Read More...]Get those little grey cells working today with this quiz on Tudor dates and events. Good luck!
[Read More...]Well, this week you have a 50% chance of being right with each question so good luck! I do hope you enjoy this little Tudor history quiz.
[Read More...]How much do you know about Tudor explorers? Grab your favourite beverage and get those little grey cells working with this fun quiz.
[Read More...]How much do you know about men who were prominent in the Tudor period? Test yourself with this fun quiz.
[Read More...]