The Tudor Society

Plots, conspiracies, spies and assassinations quiz

This week's quiz is all about Tudor spies, plots, conspiracies and assassinations.

Plots, conspiracies, spies and assassinations

Q1) Who has gone down in history as Elizabeth I's "spymaster"?

William Cecil

Francis Walsingham

William Davies

Amyas Paulet

Q2) Which Tudor man signed his documents with a "007" glyph, which may have provided inspiration for Ian Fleming's fictional character James Bond?

Francis Walsingham

Edward Kelley

John Dee

Robert Dudley

Q3) In the 1998 film "Elizabeth", starring Cate Blanchett, attempts are made on the Queen's life by poisoning one of her dresses and shooting at her while she rides in her barge. Did these events really take place?

Yes, they both took place.

No, neither of them took place.

The poisoned dress is fiction but the Queen was shot at.

The shooting incident is fiction but the poisoned dress incident is true.

Q4) What happened to Lambert Simnel, the Pretender and figurehead of the Earl of Lincoln's rebellion against Henry VII in 1487?

He was hanged drawn and quartered.

He escaped into exile.

He was beheaded.

He was pardoned and given a job in the royal kitchens.

Q5) Who was executed in May 1521 after allegedly plotting against the King?

Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham

Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham

Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk

Q6) Which member of the peerage joined the conspirators of Wyatt's Rebellion in December 1553?

Earl of Devon

Duke of Norfolk

Duke of Northumberland

Duke of Suffolk

Q7) Who was taken to the Tower of London on 18th March 1554 for alleged involvement in Wyatt's Rebellion?

Lady Jane Grey

Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon

Robert Dudley

Mary I's half-sister, the future Elizabeth I

Q8) The Babington Plot against Elizabeth I was named after Anthony Babington, its leader, but the plot was actually thought to be the brainchild of...

John Ballard

Chidiock Tichborne

Henry Donne

Robert Barnwell

Q9) Who was stabbed to death in 1593 in what appears to have been a drunken fight, but some believe to have been an assassination?

Robert Pakington

Christopher Marlowe

Edward de Vere

Robert Poley

Q10) Don Bernardino de Mendoza, the Spanish ambassador, was thrown out of England and sent back to Spain after his involvement in which plot?

Babington Plot

Ridolfi Plot

Wyatt's Rebellion

Throgmorton Plot

Q11) In what year was merchant Robert Pakington shot dead while on his way to Mass at the Mercers' chapel?





Q12) In 1587 which ambassador was placed under house arrest for allegedly plotting to poison Elizabeth I?

The Spanish ambassador

The Moroccan Ambassador

The Imperial Ambassador

The French Ambassador

There are 3 comments Go To Comment

  1. d

    Wow! I thought I knew more! 8/12 says I need more revision!

  2. L

    Once again , I hang my head in shame

  3. l

    I am really enjoying The Tudor Society!! The information on the site is great and very educational. Well done to all involved in The Tudor Society. I am glad there are so many Tudor fans in the world.

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Plots, conspiracies, spies and assassinations quiz