The Tudor Society

Online lecture from Simon Thurley – Tudor Ambition: Houses of the Boleyn Family

Thank you to Lucia Graves from Gresham College for letting me know about this online lecture from architectural historian Simon Thurley, who you might know from his books on royal palaces.

The lecture is taking place on Wednesday, 16 September 2020, 6:00PM - 7:00PM UK time, and you can register for free at

Here's what Gresham College's website says about the lecture:

"A family best known for producing one of England’s most famous queen consorts started out owning substantial estates in Norfolk before buying, and inheriting, a series of major houses close to London. These mansions became the stage for the tragedy of Ann‘s life and death.

New research allows us to understand the role of property owning at the heart of the story of the Boleyn family."

It sounds like it will be a very interesting talk.

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Online lecture from Simon Thurley – Tudor Ambition: Houses of the Boleyn Family