In this month's Tudor Life magazine is perfect for the month of October as it's all about the Supernatural and the Tudors. Packed with fascinating articles about the spookier side of history, you don't want to miss this magazine!
This magazine includes articles on these topics:
- Did Anne Boleyn Wear Knickers? by Toni Mount
- All about Catherine Parr and Anne Askew author interview with Derek Wilson
- Toil and Trouble: The Tudors and Witchcraft by Emma Elizabeth Taylor
- Upon the Altar of Diana by Roland Hui
- Staging the Supernatural in Tudor and Stuart England by Lauren Browne
- Ocean’s Love - Sir Walter Ralegh and the Sea a free event at Royal Museums Greenwich on 23 October
- Potentially Bloody Edward VI by Kyra Kramer
- A-Z who’s who Tudor Crossword by Catherine Brooks
- Why are so many witches women? by Alexander Taylor
- Most Haunted Tudor Places by Tim Ridgway
- Henry VII and his devotion to God by Debra Bayani
- Tudor Music as Propaganda by Heather Teysko
- Superstition in Politics: The Downfall of Lord Hungerford by Gareth Russell
- Editor's Picks - Best Books on Tudor Witchcraft
- BOOK REVIEWS: Jane Seymour by Alison Weir & Mary, Queen of Scots by Robert Stedall reviews by Charlie Fenton
- Member Spotlight: Toni Mount
- From The Spicery: On 16th Century Feasting by Rioghnach O’Geraghty
- October’s On this Day in Tudor History by Claire Ridgway
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Tim’s not around at the moment and I can’t figure out what’s wrong – sorry! Please can you read the flippable one online for now and we’ll get the download sorted out as soon as we possibly can.
Thank you Claire.
Yes, same here. : (
Me too
Yes PHD error unsupported format
Yes, sorry! Tim will sort it out tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy the flickable online version.
Hi All – I’ve fixed the issue, checked that both downloads work, and HOPEFULLY have made it so this doesn’t happen again. Sorry for the frustration and thank you for your patience.
Works perfectly. Thank you.
Hi, thanks, working fine now. One spooky mag and article on Anne Boleyn’s knickers all present and accounted for. Cheers.