The Tudor Society
  • Royal Tutors Wordsearch

    The Tudor monarchs received the very best education possible from some renowned scholars and committed teachers, but how much do you know about Tudor royal tutors?

    Test your knowledge with today’s fun puzzle, a wordsearch. Do remember that the words can go in any direction.

    Good luck!

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  • 15 June – Mary is bullied

    On this day in Tudor history, 15th June 1536, Mary, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, was bullied and threatened by members of her father’s council.

    It must have been a truly shocking event for the twenty-year-old princess, who was now known as “Lady Mary”.

    In today’s video, I give a contemporary account of what happened on this day and why, and explain how Mary did end up reconciling with her father the king.

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  • Live chat reminder – 15 June

    Just a reminder that we have a live chat taking place tomorrow, 15th June. This is June’s informal live chat and the topic is”Tudor Queens”. It will take place in the Tudor Society chatroom at

    The idea for these informal chats is for members to jump in and share their views, pose questions for other members, share book/TV recommendations etc. and to just enjoy talking Tudor.

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  • 14 June – Sir Christopher Danby, a lucky man

    Not many men who are implicated in rebellions manage to keep their head, but Sir Christopher Danby died a natural death on this day in Tudor history, 14th June 1571.

    Who was Danby? What was he involved in? And how did he survive?

    Let me tell you a bit more about this Tudor man in today’s video.

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  • Claire needs your feedback

    This week, Claire needs your help and feedback, so please do watch the brief video and leave a comment below sharing your opinion and ideas. It would also be helpful if you could answer the poll. Thank you so much!

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  • 13 June – Actor William Knell gets into a fight

    On this day in Tudor history, 13th June 1587, William Knell, an actor in “The Queen’s Men” company of players, got into a fight with a fellow actor in Thame, Oxfordshire.

    In today’s video, I flesh out this Tudor man a bit more and tell of his sad and rather violent end. I also about a story concerning this man and the famous Elizabethan actor and playwright, William Shakespeare.

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  • V & A Museum courses

    London’s Victoria and Albert Museum has been in touch with me to let me know about a couple of courses that may be of interest to Tudor Society members. They have just launched their new programme of adult learning courses for 2019-20, which includes the courses: “The Later Stuarts: Court and Country”, and “London Life and Times: Medieval to Modern”.

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  • 12 June – Catherine of Aragon gets cross with Henry VIII

    On this day in Tudor history, 12th June 1530, Queen Catherine of Aragon got rather cross with her husband, King Henry VIII, who, according to her, was leading an evil life and being a bad example.

    What led to Catherine’s strong words on this day in 1530? What exactly was Henry VIII doing to upset his wife?

    Find out in today’s video.

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  • 11 June – Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon get married

    Happy wedding anniversary to King Henry VIII and his first wife, Catherine of Aragon! Well, Catherine would be celebrating, as she viewed herself as the king’s true wife right until the end.

    On this day in Tudor history, seventeen-year-old King Henry VIII married twenty-three-year-old Spanish princess, Catalina de Aragón, or Catherine of Aragon, his brother’s widow, at a private ceremony at Greenwich.

    Find out more about what led to this marriage in today’s video:

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  • 10 June – Thomas Cromwell is arrested

    On this day in Tudor history, 10th June 1540, King Henry VIII’s right-hand man and ‘fixer’, Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, was arrested.

    In today’s “on this day” video, I share an account of what happened on that day, the day when Henry VIII’s loyal servant fell from power and was escorted to the Tower of London.

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  • 9 June – The Book of Common Prayer

  • Henry VIII and Francis I True or False Quiz

    As Friday was the anniversary of the beginning of the Field of Cloth of Gold, that historic meeting between King Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of France. I thought I’d test your knowledge of these two Renaissance kings.

    It’s a true or false quiz, so not too hard! I do hope you enjoy it.

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  • 8 June – Elizabeth and Mary are declared illegitimate

    On this day in Tudor history, 8th June 1536, the sixth Parliament of King Henry VIII’s reign met.

    This Parliament passed the Second Act of Succession, which removed Mary and Elizabeth from the succession and declared them illegitimate.

    I explain what happened at this Parliament and also share another “on this day” event from the very same day in 1536.

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  • 7 June – The Field of Cloth of Gold

    This day in Tudor history, 7th June 1520, was the first day of that historic meeting between King Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of France.

    The meeting was known as the Field of Cloth of Gold and although it was a diplomatic meeting, it was a chance for these two Renaissance kings to show off to each other and try to outdo each other with their wealth, costumes and even strength.

    Find out more about this famous meeting in today’s video.

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  • Interview with Wendy J Dunn and competition

    This week’s Claire Chats video talk is a special one. Tim and I have just had historical novelist Wendy J Dunn staying with us here in Spain for a few days, which was lovely. Verity and I shared a wonderful day with Wendy at Granada’s Alhambra, which was very special as Wendy’s last novel was all about Catherine of Aragon’s early life which, of course, included time at the Alhambra.

    I thought I’d take advantage of Wendy and interview her for my YouTube channel and for the Tudor Society, with a slightly different focus for each interview. Here is the Tudor Society one…

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  • 6 June – Charles V, Henry VIII and lots of pageantry

    On this day in Tudor history, 6th June 1522, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and King Henry VIII made a grand entry into the city of London.

    Now these two rulers did not just enter the city with music and cheering, they did it in style with pageantry – 9 spectacular pageants in all! The Tudors really knew how to celebrate!

    Find out more about the pageants in today’s video.

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  • 5 June – Thomas Moffet, silkworms and Little Miss Muffet

    On this day in Tudor history, 5th June 1604, Tudor physician and naturalist Thomas Moffet, or Muffet, physician and naturalist, died at Wilton in Wiltshire.

    The fact that he is known for a poem on silkworms and his daughter is linked to the famous nursery rhyme piqued my interest and I talk more about him and his poem in today’s video.

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  • 4 June – Robert Dudley and Amy Robsart get married

    On this day in Tudor history, 4th June 1550, sweethearts Robert Dudley and Amy Robsart tied the knot at the royal palace of Sheen at Richmond in a service attended by King Edward VI.

    This marriage was a love-match, but it lasted just ten years, ending with Amy’s death in 1560, a death which is surrounded by controversy.

    I share an excerpt from my book “On This Day in Tudor History” in today’s video.

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  • Tamise Hills Live chat – Lady Jane Grey

    Thank you to everyone who came to Friday’s live chat and a big thank you to Tamise Hills for answering all of our questions on this fascinating Tudor queen. It was a fun chat.

    If you missed the chat, you can have a read of the questions and Tamise’s answers in this transcript:

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  • 3 June – Sir Thomas More is interrogated

    Sketch of Sir Thomas More by Hans Holbein the Younger

    On this day in Tudor history, 3rd June 1535, Sir Thomas More, King Henry VIII’s former Lord Chancellor and good friend, was interrogated in the Tower of London by members of the king’s council.

    These men were trying to get More to give a definitive answer on whether the statute of supremacy was lawful, seeing as he’d refused to take the oath of supremacy.

    What happened on their visit and what was said afterwards?

    Find out in today’s video.

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  • 2 June – The end of Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk

    The National Portrait Gallery portrait of Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk

    On this day in Tudor history, 2nd June 1572, thirty-four-year-old Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, was beheaded on Tower Hill for high treason.

    Norfolk was a Knight of the Garter, he’d served as Earl Marshal and Lord High Steward, he’d presided over Queen Elizabeth I’s coronation, so what had led him to this sticky end and how was he involved with Mary, Queen of Scots?

    Let me tell you a bit more about this Tudor man and what led him to end his life on the scaffold.

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  • June Tudor Events Crossword Puzzle

    This week’s Sunday brain-teaser is a crossword testing your knowledge of Tudor events that took place in the month of June. Don’t worry, though, it’s fun!

    So, open and print out the crossword puzzle by clicking on the link or pricture below, grab your favourite snack and beverage, make yourself comfortable and let’s begin. Good luck!

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  • 1 June – Queen Anne Boleyn’s coronation

    On this day in Tudor history, 1st June 1533, Whitsunday, Queen Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII’s second wife, was crowned queen at Westminster Abbey in a ceremony performed by her good friend, Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury.

    It was a long day for the pregnant queen, starting with a procession from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey, then there was the actual coronation, where Anne was crowned with St Edward’s crown, and finally the huge coronation banquet.

    Find out exactly what Anne Boleyn did on that day in 1533 in today’s video.

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  • The Executed Queens Tour

    In this special video, I talk about the four Tudor queens – Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Lady Jane Grey and Mary, Queen of Scots – whose lives ended on the scaffold, and some of the places connected to them.

    I find that by visiting places linked to historical people we get a special link to them. We can walk a little in their footsteps. We can look at things they knew, touch walls they touched… It’s special.

    I can’t wait to visit these places and to have that connection with these fascinating women. I’m quite literally counting the days!

    You can join me and Philippa on the Executed Queens Tour in July 2019. There are 4 places left!

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  • Expert Chat – Queenship – Roland Hui

    Roland Hui

    This month’s expert is Roland Hui talking on one of his favourite historical topics – queenship, and more specifically the Six Wives of Henry VIII. Roland’s knowledge and expertise come through in this video and we know you’ll enjoy learning things you didn’t know before, as well as chatting with Roland later in the month in the Chatroom. Roland’s live chat session is scheduled for 29th June.

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  • Happy birthday to Lady Margaret Beaufort!

    A portrait of Lady Margaret Beaufort

    Today, 31st May, is the anniversary of the birth of Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, and matriarch of the Tudor dynasty, in 1443 at Bletsoe Castle in Bedfordshire.

    I thought we’d celebrate the birthday of this fascinating Tudor lady by sharing some Tudor Society resources linked to her.

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  • 31 May – Queen Anne Boleyn’s coronation procession

    On this day in Tudor history, Saturday 31st May 1533, the eve of her coronation, a pregnant Queen Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII, processed from the Tower of London to Westminster Hall.

    This coronation procession is one of those events that Claire would love to travel back in time for as it was a huge procession through the streets of London and there was lots of entertainment, including lavish, pageants, orations, music, and wine flowing in the conduits and in fountains. To be a citizen of London on that day! Wow!

    Hear all about the pageantry in today’s video.

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  • Knole

    In this week’s Claire Chats video talk, I talk about my recent visit to Knole in Kent, a beautiful house that one served as a palace, or country retreat, for the Archbishops of Canterbury.

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  • Live chat reminder – 31 May – Lady Jane Grey with Tamise Hills

    Tamise Hills from the Lady Jane Grey Reference Guide is our expert guest speaker for May, and her talk looks at what resources there are to help us understand this often forgotten Tudor queen.

    Tamise is joining us in the Tudor Society chatroom tomorrow, 31st May, to answer your questions on her talk and all things to do with Lady Jane Grey, so I do hope you can join us.

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  • June’s live chats – 15 and 29 June

    Roland Hui