The Tudor Society
  • July 10 – Elizabeth I visits the Tower of London mint

    A photo of the Tower of London with a c.1560 portrait of Elizabeth I.

    On this day in Tudor history, 10th July 1561, Queen Elizabeth I visited the Tower of London mint to check on the progress of her new coins.

    Debasement of coins had happened between 1544 and 1551, in the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI, when the government was looking to fund foreign wars. The ratio of precious metal to alloy was reduced, so more coinage could be produced more cheaply, with the government pocketing the profit.

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  • July 9 – Elizabeth I stays with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

    Portraits of Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley

    On this day in Tudor history, 9th July 1575, Elizabeth I began a stay at Kenilworth Castle, home of her favourite, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester.

    Her 19-day-stay was recorded by Robert Langham, a member of Leicester’s household, and by poet and actor George Gascoigne, who was hired by Leicester to provide entertainment.

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  • July 8 – Kett’s Rebellion

    An 18th-century depiction of Robert Kett and his followers under the Oak of Reformation on Mousehold Heath

    On this day in Tudor history, 8th July 1549, in the reign of King Edward VI, Kett’s Rebellion began.

    Robert Kett, a Norfolk farmer, agreed to lead a group of protesters who were angry with the enclosure of common land. The protesters marched on Norwich, and by the time they reached the city walls, it is said that they numbered around 16,000.

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  • July 7 – Mary receives news of Edward VI’s death

    A portrait of Mary I by Hans Eworth

    On this day in Tudor history, 7th July 1553, the day after the death of King Edward VI, his half-sister, Mary, received news of his death.

    Mary, the daughter of Henry VIII by his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, had left Hunsdon on 3rd July after hearing that Edward was dying and that there was a plot against her. She set off for her estates in East Anglia, where she had support.

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  • July 6 – Sir Thomas More’s adopted daughter

    A chalk sketch of Margaret Clement (Giggs) by Hans Holbein the Younger

    On this day in Tudor history, 6th July 1570, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, Margaret Clement (née Giggs), wife of John Clement and adopted daughter of Sir Thomas More, died in Mechelen where she and her husband had gone into exile. Margaret was buried in the Cathedral of St Rumbald.

    In 1535, in his final letter, written to his daughter, Margaret Roper, before his execution, Sir Thomas More mentioned Margaret Clement. He wrote “I send now unto my good daughter Clement her algorism stone and I send her and my good son and all hers God’s blessing and mine.” An algorism stone being a devise for helping with arithmetic. It was obviously a keepsake he wanted her to have.

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  • July 5 – A shoemaker is executed

    A silhouette of a man's side profile

    On this day in Tudor history, 5th July 1583, shoemaker and religious radical John Copping was executed for ‘dispersing’ books by Robert Browne and Richard Harrison, which were viewed as “sundry seditious, schismatical and erroneous printed books”.

    Copping had been arrested with his friend Elias Thacker, a tailor, and Thacker was executed the day before. Books were burned at each of their executions.

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  • July 4 – Elizabethan composer William Byrd

    On 4th July 1623, Elizabethan composer, William Byrd died at Stondon Massey in Essex.

    Byrd served as a gentleman of the Chapel Royal from 1572, and in 1575 he and fellow composer Thomas Tallis were granted a patent for the importing, printing, publishing, and sale of music, and the printing of music paper for a period of twenty-one years. They published a collection of 34 motets – 16 written by Tallis and 18 by Byrd, in 1575 as their first work.

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  • Monday Martyr – Anthony Brookby

    The symbol of the Order of Friars Minor, the Franciscans, by Piotr Jaworski, PioM

    This week’s Monday Martyr is Franciscan friar Anthony Brookby (Brockby), who was executed on 19th July 1537, in the reign of King Henry VIII.

    In her 19th century book “Faithful unto Death”, J M Stone explains that Father Anthony Brookby was a Latin, Greek and Hebrew scholar who was Professor of Divinity at Magdalen College, Oxford, and “celebrated for his eloquence as a scholar”. He got into trouble when, during a sermon at the Church of St Lawrence, Brookby “spoke of Henry’s new marriage, as the cause of the dreadful evils which threatened to overwhelm the country”. He went on to denounce England’s break with Rome and the dissolution of the monasteries.

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  • July 3 – Mary I says goodbye to Philip of Spain

    A portrait of Mary I and Philip of Spain by Hans Eworth

    On this day in Tudor history, 3rd July 1557, Mary I bid farewell to her husband, Philip of Spain, at Dover as he set off for war with France.

    Philip had only returned to England in March 1557 after an absence of over 18 months and he had only returned then, as historian Anna Whitelock points out, because he needed money and for England to declare war on France, which they did on 7th June 1557.

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  • July 2 – Old Scarlett

    An 18th century etching of Robert Scarlett, Old Scarlett

    On this day in Tudor history, 2nd July 1594, in the reign of Elizabeth I, Robert Scarlett (Old Scarlett), sexton at Peterborough Cathedral, was buried at the cathedral, apparently aged 98, although another source states that he was a bit younger.

    A verse accompanying his portrait in the cathedral states that Scarlett buried two queens, Catherine of Aragon and Mary, Queen of Scots , but it is not known whether this is true. He is also said to have buried a court fool known as Edward the Fool.

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  • July 1 – The 1536 Act of Succession

    On this day in Tudor history, 1st July 1536, Parliament gave the Second Act of Succession its first reading.

    This act superseded the 1534 Act of Succession, which had made Mary, Henry VIII’s daughter by Catherine of Aragon, illegitimate and had appointed Elizabeth, his daughter by Anne Boleyn, as heir to the throne.

    The new act declared the illegitimacy of both of Henry’s daughters. Both girls were now barred from the line of succession and, Elizabeth, like Mary, now lost her title of “princess”.

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  • June 30 – Henry VIII and Catherine Howard set off on Progress

    Portraits of Henry VIII and his fifth wife Catherine Howard

    On this day in Tudor history, 30th June 1541, Henry VIII and his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, set off on their royal progress to the North.

    The main aims of the progress were to meet Henry’s nephew, King James V of Scotland, at York in September, and to show the king’s authority in the north, following the Pilgrimage of Grace rebellion, and to humiliate his subjects with displays of submission from them.

    Here is my detailed video on this progress, which lasted from this day until the end of October, and was a huge undertaking with the whole royal court travelling from London as far north as York. It was on this progress that Catherine Howard had secret meetings with a member of her husband’s privy chamber, a certain Thomas Culpeper.

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  • June 29 – The Globe burns down

    On this day in history, 29th June 1613, in the reign of King James I, the Elizabethan playhouse, the Globe Theatre burned to the ground.

    The Globe, which had been built on Bankside in London in 1599 by the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, William Shakespeare’s playing company, sadly perished due to a cannon misfiring and setting fire to the wooden beams and thatching during a performance of Shakespeare’s “Henry VIII”.
    It was rebuilt in 1614 but closed in 1642 and was demolished in 1644/5.

    In 1987, American director and actor, Sam Wanamaker, built a replica of the theatre, using records from 1599 and 1614, as a memorial to the original globe. Visitors today can enjoy its exhibition, which brings bring the Elizabethan world of Shakespeare to life, or watch a play there.

    Here’s a video from our archives with some photos I took when I visited The Globe a few years ago:

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  • June 28 – An execution in the reign of Henry VII

    Arms of Sir James Tuchet: Ermine, a chevron gules

    On this day in Tudor history, 28th June 1497, in the reign of King Henry VII, Sir James Tuchet, 7th Baron Audley, was executed.

    Audley was one of the commanders of the Cornish Rebellion, which had been caused by the king’s new legislation regarding tin mining and heavy taxation to fund his Scottish campaign.

    The rebellion had been initially led by blacksmith Michael Joseph and lawyer Thomas Flamank. Audley joined them as they marched through Somerset.

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  • June 27 – William Bradbridge, Bishop of Exeter

    Exeter Cathedral Chour

    On this day in Tudor history, 27th June 1578, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, seventy-one-year-old William Bradbridge, Bishop of Exeter, died at Newton Ferrers in Devon. He was buried on the north side of Exeter Cathedral choir.

    Bradbridge was about sixty-three when he was appointed, making him one of the oldest men to be made a bishop in Elizabeth’s reign.

    As well as his religious work, Bradbridge enjoyed farming.

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  • June 26 – Sir Edmund Carew

    A silhouette of a man's side profile

    On this day in Tudor history, 26th June 1513, in the reign of King Henry VIII, landowner, administrator and soldier Sir Edmund Carew was buried in the church of St Nicholas in Calais.

    Carew, who was about 49, was killed while serving as master of the ordnance in Henry VIII’s 1513 French campaign. The English force had pitched their tents a mile outside the town of Therouanne and chronicler Edward Hall records what happened next…

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  • Monday Martyr – The mysterious fall of Blessed Adrian Fortescue

    A painting of Fortescue located at the Collegio di San Paolo in Rabat, Malta

    This week’s Monday martyr is a courtier whose fall is shrouded in mystery.

    Sir Adrian Fortescue was beheaded at Tower Hill on 9th or 10th July 1539.*

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  • June 25 – Catherine of Aragon and Prince Henry get betrothed

    A portrait of a woman thought to be Catherine of Aragon by Michael Sittow

    On this day in Tudor history, 25th June 1503, seventeen-year old Catherine of Aragon became betrothed to the nearly twelve-year old Prince Henry, second son of King Henry VII.

    Catherine had been widowed in April 1502 when her husband, Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales, eldest son of Henry VII, died. The king was keen to keep hold of her dowry so negotiated with her parents, Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, for her to marry his second son.

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  • June 24 – Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

    A portrait of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

    On this day in history, 24th June 1604, in the reign of King James I, courtier and poet, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, died at the age of 54.

    Here are a few facts about Oxford, and you can view my video on him below:

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  • June 23 – Mathematician and physician Thomas Hood

    A silhouette of a man's side profile

    On this day in Tudor history, 23rd June 1556, mathematician and physician Thomas Hood was baptised at St Leonard Eastcheap.

    In 1588, Hood was invited to become Mathematical Lecturer to the City of London after Elizabeth I’s privy council decided, following the Spanish Armada, that military officers and naval commanders should have a better knowledge of mathematics. He lectured until 1592.

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  • June 22 – The execution of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester

    A sketch of Bishop John Fisher by Hans Holbein the Younger.

    On 22nd June 1535, John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, was beheaded on Tower Hill.

    Fisher, who had served Henry VIII’s grandmother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, was executed for treason for refusing to accept Henry VIII as the supreme head of the church.

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  • June 21 – Henry VIII travels to the Tower of London

    A portrait of Henry VIII from 1509 by Meynnart WewyckOn this day in Tudor history, 21st June 1509, England’s new king, the nearly 18-year-old Henry VIII, travelled from Greenwich to the Tower of London.

    Chronicler Edward Hall recorded:

    On the 21st day of this month of June, the king came from Greenwich to the Tower, over London Bridge, and so by Grace Church, with whom came many a well appareled gentleman, but in especial the Duke of Buckingham, which had a gowne all of goldsmithes work, very costly.

    It was traditional for monarchs to stay at the Tower of London, where they would create Knights of the Bath, before their coronations. Henry and his new bride, Catherine of Aragon, were due to process through the streets of London to Westminster on 23rd June, and their coronation would take place on 24th.

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  • June 20 – Henry Percy, 8th Earl of Northumberland dies of a gunshot wound

    Henry Percy, 8th Earl of Northumberland (c.1532-1585) by Sir Anthony Van Dyck, a posthumous three-quarter length portrait

    On this day in Tudor history, the night of 20th/21st June 1585, Henry Percy, 8th Earl of Northumberland, died at the Tower of London.

    Northumberland was found dead in bed with a gunshot wound and on 23rd June an inquest in the Star Chamber ruled that he had committed suicide. However, it was rumoured by Catholics that he had been murdered by Sir Christopher Hatton on the orders of Elizabeth I’s government. They claimed that he had been shot in the chest three times, which was not consistent with suicide.

    Northumberland had been imprisoned in the Tower in January 1584 for his Catholic beliefs and his involvement in plots to do with Mary, Queen of Scots. He was laid to rest in the chapel of St Peter ad Vincula at the Tower.

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  • Monday Martyr – Robert or Roger Ashton: martyred for a dispensation?

    The Tyburn Tree, the gallows at Tyburn

    This week’s Monday Martyr is Robert or Roger Ashton.
    In his 18th century book, Memoirs of Missionary Priests, Bishop Richard Challoner states that Robert (also referred to as Roger) Ashton was born in Croston in Lancashire and that he was executed at Tyburn on 23rd June 1592, in the reign of Elizabeth I, for “procuring a dispensation from Rome to marry his second cousin”. However, that may not be the only reason.

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  • June 19 – Mary, Queen of Scots has a son

    A painting of Mary, Queen of Scots, and her son, James VI of Scotland, James I of England

    On this day in Tudor history, 19th June 1566, Mary, Queen of Scots gave birth to a son at Edinburgh Castle. He was her only son and he was fathered by her second husband, Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley.

    The little boy was baptised Charles James in a Catholic service on 17th December 1566 at Stirling Castle. The name Charles was in honour of his godfather, Charles IX of France, Mary’s former brother-in-law, but he was known as James, after his grandfather, James V, and the other Stewart kings.

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  • June 18 – Catherine of Aragon appears at the Legatine Court

    On this day in Tudor history, 18th June 1529, Catherine of Aragon made her first appearance at the special legatine court which had opened at Blackfriars on 31st May to hear Henry VIII’s case for an annulment of their marriage.

    The couple had been summoned to appear on 18th, but only Catherine appeared, Henry sent proxies.

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  • June 17 – Sir George Blage

    A silhouette of a man's side profile

    On this day in Tudor history, 17th June 1551, in the reign of King Edward VI, Sir George Blage (Blagge), courtier, diplomat, poet and good friend of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder, died at Stanmore in Middlesex. He is known for the Blage Manuscript, in which he collected the poetry of friends such as Wyatt.

    In Henry VIII’s reign, Blage carried out diplomatic missions, was a member of the king’s privy chamber and fought in the king’s 1543-45 French campaign. He also served as Chief Steward and Bailiff of Maidstone, and Comptroller of the Petty Custom of London, and as a member of Parliament.

    Blage was of the reformed faith and was arrested in July 1546 after he was heard denouncing the mass. Blage was condemned to death but, fortunately, was pardoned by Henry VIII.

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  • June 16 – Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton

    On this day in history, 16th June 1614, author, courtier and administrator Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, died at his house in Charing Cross. He died of gangrene after an operation on a tumour on his thigh.

    Northampton, who was the son of poet and courtier Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, and grandson of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, is known for his learning and intelligence, but also for his alleged involvement in the Overbury scandal.

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  • June 15 – Henry Fitzroy

    Miniature of Henry Fitzroy by Lucas Horenbout

    The 15th June 1519 is the traditional birthdate of Henry VIII’s illegitimate son, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset, although the 18th is a more likely date.

    Fitzroy’s mother, Elizabeth Blount, known as Bessie Blount, was serving as one of Catherine of Aragon’s maids of honour when she was noticed by the king and became his mistress. After it was found that she was pregnant, she was sent to the Priory of St Lawrence, in Blackmore, Essex, by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey before her pregnancy became visible.

    Bessie’s baby boy was baptised at the chapel at Blackmore with Cardinal Wolsey acting as godfather.

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  • June 14 – William Peto becomes a cardinal and papal legate

    Painting of William Peto from the Church of Ognissanti, Florence

    On this day in Tudor history, 14th June 1557, William Peto was made cardinal and papal legate, replacing Reginald Pole.

    During Henry VIII’s Great Matter, Friar Peto served Catherine of Aragon and Princess Mary as confessor. On Easter Sunday 1531, he angered King Henry VIII when he preached a sermon comparing Henry VIII to King Ahab and Anne Boleyn to Jezebel. He warned the king to act to avoid Ahab’s unhappy end and to avoid the dogs licking up his blood as they had Ahab’s.

    In 1547, while Henry VIII’s coffin was resting at Syon, it was said that liquid dripped out of it and that dogs did indeed lick it up.

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