The Tudor Society
  • Katherine Howard Quiz

    Our quiz maestro Rebecca Larson is testing your knowledge on Queen Katherine Howard this week. Enjoy and good luck!

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  • Bonfire Night Food and Videos

    Wherever you are in the world, you can still enjoy a taste of the UK’s bonfire celebrations with the following recipes and videos that I’ve found for you.

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  • 5 November 1605 – Gunpowder Plot

    Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
    The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
    I know of no reason
    Why the Gunpowder Treason
    Should ever be forgot.
    Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent
    To blow up the King and Parli’ment.
    Three-score barrels of powder below
    To prove old England’s overthrow;
    By God’s providence he was catch’d
    With a dark lantern and burning match.
    Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
    Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!”

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  • Claire and Tim chat about how to blog

    I’ve been receiving lots of questions about blogging so Tim and I decided to dedicate one of my Claire Chats videos to giving you some advice on blogging about history and blogging in general. I do hope you enjoy the video and that you find it useful too, please do feel free to leave comments, to share your hints and tips for blogging, or to ask questions.

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  • 3 November 1592 – Death of Sir John Perrot, a son of Henry VIII?

    On this day in history, 3rd November 1592, Sir John Perrot, Privy Councillor and former Lord Deputy of Ireland, died at the Tower of London from illness. He was buried in the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula at the Tower. He’d been tried for treason in April 1592 and later sentenced to death, but he died of natural causes.

    Philippa Jones (The Other Tudors) writes of how it was widely believed that he was actually the illegitimate son of Henry VIII by Mary Berkeley, who served Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII’s first wife, but others dispute this claim, saying that there is no evidence to support this.

    I did a Claire Chats video “Was Sir John Perrot Henry VIII’s son?” in which I look at Perrot’s life and the evidence regarding his parentage.

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  • The Princes in the Tower Live Chat – 11 November

    As today is the anniversary of the birth of Edward V, son of Edward IV and one of the Princes in the Tower, it seems fitting to announce that we’re holding one of our informal live chats on the Tudor Society chatroom on 11th November 2016 and it will be on the Princes in the Tower. It will be open to all full-access Tudor Society members.

    Olga Hughes, Tudor Life magazine regular contributor, and I will be moderating the chat and it will be 60 minutes of chatting about these boys and the theories regarding their fates. It’s your chance to have your say, pose questions or just lurk and ‘listen’ to others if you’d prefer. It will be fun and enlightening, I promise!

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  • All Souls’ Day

    In medieval and Tudor times, 2 November, the day after the Feast of All Saints, was the Feast of All Souls.

    It was a time to remember the souls in Purgatory who might not have masses or prayers being said for them, the forgotten souls. Bells would be rung the night before All Souls Day to comfort the souls and to let them know that they were being remembered and then masses were said for them on All Souls Day. Bread was baked in honour of these troubled souls and it was given out to the poor in the hope that the act of giving on behalf of these souls would help them get out of Purgatory.

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  • Expert Talk – Janet Wertman – Researching Jane the Quene

    In this month’s expert chat we have Janet Wertman, author of Jane the Quene, a novel about Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII. Janet discusses how she went about researching her novel, including how she put together a detailed timeline to ensure that events happened in the correct order.

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  • Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who’s the Most Renaissance of Them All? Part I: James IV of Scotland

    This is Part I of a four-part series by Heather R. Darsie, which seeks to look at what were considered the attributes of a Renaissance prince, and who of our four princes embodied the ideals of the Renaissance best.

    What were some of those themes?

    The idea of a Renaissance man stood for a person who strove to embrace knowledge and develop himself. This included concepts such as the arts, knowledge, physical achievements, and social ideals. More plainly and for a prince, this could include cultivating a court known for patronising artists, musicians, and the like; establishing educational institutions, a good degree of physical fortitude, and things such as chivalric love or engaging in acts of charity.

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  • All Saints’ Day

    All Saints’ Day, which is also known as All Hallows or Hallowmas, is part of the three days of Hallowtide: All Hallows Eve (Halloween), All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. It was celebrated in Tudor England on 1st November every year.

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  • 1 November 1456 – Death of Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond

    Today marks the anniversary of the death of Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond, on 1st November 1456. He died from the plague at Carmarthen Castle.

    Thank you to Sarah Bryson for writing this article on Edmund for us.

    Henry Tudor, King Henry VII, was the founder of the Tudor Dynasty. His mother was the imposing Margaret Beaufort who risked everything to see her son on the throne and in turn the houses of Lancaster and York united through the marriage of her son to Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV. But who was Henry Tudor’s father? While so much is known about Henry’s mother, his father is a much more elusive figure and sadly he did not live to see his only son and heir claim the English throne.

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  • This week in history 31 October – 6 November

    31 October:

    1494 – Henry VII’s son, Henry (the future Henry VIII), was created Duke of York.
    1517 – Martin Luther wrote to Albert, Archbishop of Mainz, and the Bishop of Brandenburg protesting against the sale of indulgences and sending them a copy of The Ninety-Five Theses (proper title: Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences).
    According to Philipp Melancthon, “Luther, burning with passion and just devoutness, posted the Ninety-Five Theses at the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany at All Saints Eve, October 31”, rather than sending them in a letter, but no other contemporary source supports this.

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  • Halloween, All Hallows Eve and Soul Cakes

    The 31st October was and is, of course, All Hallows Eve or Halloween. Although it was a religious festival in medieval and Tudor times, it has its roots in Pagan celebrations and it comes from Samhain, the Celtic new year festival which was celebrated from sunset on 31st October to sunset on 1st November. On that night, it was believed that the veil between the world of the living and that of the dead was at its thinnest and that the souls of the dead and evil spirits could walk the earth. Church bells were rung, bonfires were lit and people wore masks to ward off these spirits and to send them on their way. Farm buildings and homes were also blessed to protect them from evil spirits and witches.

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  • Edward VI “Monarch Series” book out now

    We’ve completed the work on the next book in our Monarch Series – it’s the turn of Edward VI.

    You can download ALL of the monarch series books for free as full access members of the Tudor Society.

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  • Henry VII Quiz

    King Henry VII by an unknown artist

    Henry VII was the founder of the Tudor dynasty but how much do you know about him? Get those brain cells working and enjoy this fun quiz from Rebecca Larson.

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  • The Beginning of a Dynasty: The Coronation of Henry VII

    Thank you to our regular contributor, Heather R.Darsie, for writing this article on the coronation of Henry VII, founder of the Tudor dynasty.

    On 30 October 1485, Henry VII’s coronation was held, and he became the first Tudor monarch. The date of 30 October was chosen in part because he wished to be crowned king before the next sitting of Parliament, which took place on 7 November. By having his coronation before the next sitting of Parliament, which was the first to take place after the Battle of Bosworth, Henry would not need Parliament to declare him the rightful king. There are not any contemporary descriptions of the coronation, but there are several items that show the careful and shrewd character which the 28-year-old Henry employed to make certain his claim to England was sound. All that is really known is that Henry’s coronation took place at Westminster Abbey.

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  • Windsor Castle and St George’s Chapel

    Sarah Bryson talks about some of the history of Windsor Castle, and shares what it was like to see Charles Brandon’s Garter Place in St Georges Chapel.

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  • Expert live chats timetable – 28 October Open Day

    live_chat_melanieHere is a reminder of our expert live-chats programme for today's Tudor Society Open Day. Just head on over to the at the following times to get asking your questions and discussing these Tudor people and topics. We hope you enjoy it and a big thank you to all of these historians and authors.

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  • Recommended Reading Report

    Enter your details to be in with a chance to win the Open Day 2016 prize, plus we’ll send you a link to your free report …

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  • November 2016 Tudor Life Magazine

    Health is the theme of this month’s Tudor Life magazine. It’s jam packed with articles on health and disease, plus a fun quiz where you can find out what might have killed you in the Tudor era!

    This 72-page magazine will keep any Tudor history lover busy – enjoy!

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  • Tudor Society on Facebook and Twitter

    Due to popular demand (thank you to all those who mentioned it!), I’ve set up a Facebook page and Twitter account for the Tudor Society. This means that you can stay informed via social media regarding new posts and additions to the site and also share news with friends. I hope that this will also spread the word about the Tudor Society.

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  • November expert speaker – Janet Wertman on Jane Seymour

    Coming soon to the Tudor Society is our November expert talk! November’s speaker is Janet Wertman, author of Jane the Quene: Book One of the Seymour Saga, who will be talking about her research into the life of Henry VIII’s third wife, Queen Jane Seymour, for her historical novel. Janet’s talk will be followed by a live-chat session with her later in November.

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  • This week in history 24 – 30 October

    On this day in history events for 24th to 30th October.

    24 October

    1521 – Death of Robert Fayrfax (Fairfax), church musician and composer, in St Albans. He was buried in the abbey there. Fayrfax was a Gentleman of the Chapel of the households of both Henry VII and Henry VIII, and attended the 1521 Field of Cloth of Gold. His works included the Magnificat Regale, Salve regina, six masses and English part-songs.
    1525 – Death of Thomas Dacre, 2nd Baron Dacre of Gilsland, from a fall from his horse in the English borders. He was buried at Lanercost Priory, in the Dacre family mausoleum. Dacre fought at the Battle of Bosworth on the side of Richard III, but was able to earn Henry VII’s trust and favour afterwards. Henry VII put Dacre in charge of the English west march and he was active in the borders, until he was imprisoned in early 1525 after trouble in the borders. He was fined and released in September 1525.

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  • Free Jane Seymour audio lesson 24 October 2016

    To commemorate the death of Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII, are offering everyone the chance to listen to module 3 of their new seven-unit course, “The Six Wives of Henry VIII: Monarchy and Matrimony in Tudor England” for free just for today.

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  • 24 October 1537 – Death of Queen Jane Seymour

    On this day in history, 24th October 1537, Queen Jane Seymour, third wife of King Henry VIII and mother of the future Edward VI, died at Hampton Court Palace. She died twelve days after giving birth to little Edward and it is thought that she died of puerperal fever, a postpartum infection.

    Here are some primary source accounts of her illness and death:

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  • Tudor History Quiz 3

    Get those little grey cells working with this general Tudor history quiz by Rebecca Larson. Good luck!

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  • Researching Edward VI

    In today’s Claire Chats I talk about the research I have recently been doing on Edward VI, how I went about it and the primary sources I found.

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  • Who was Cesare Borgia?

    800px-cesare_borgia_duke_of_valentinoisI had the pleasure of sharing a table with Samantha Morris, author of Cesare Borgia in a Nutshell at the Evening with the Authors event in London recently and her enthusiasm for the Borgia family is infectious. I know they're not Tudor, but they're fascinating and are another family that is surrounded by myth and controversy, and that has larger than life characters.

    Thank you to Samantha for joining us today with this short biography of Cesare in celebration of the recent release of her book.

    Born at some point between 1475 and 1476, Cesare Borgia was the son of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia and Vanozza Cattanei. It was only after Rodrigo's ascension to the Papacy that Cesare and his siblings were formally recognised as his children. Cesare was brought up in the church, eventually becoming a Cardinal – a career that he did not want. He believed he was meant to be a soldier, and that he was meant to follow the career that had been laid out for his brother Juan.
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  • Henry VIII’s Lost Sister: Elizabeth Tudor

    A big welcome to historian Elizabeth Norton who joins us today with a guest article as part of the virtual book tour for her newly released book The Lives of Tudor Women.

    The Tudor dynasty is bookended by two princesses named Elizabeth Tudor, who serve as the full-stops between which the lives of countless women were lived. The second Elizabeth Tudor, whose death brought the dynasty to an end in March 1603, is, of course, well known. But the other, who was born in 1492, is largely forgotten. As the playmate of his early childhood she is, however, Henry VIII’s lost sister.

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  • 18 October 1555 – Elizabeth is free to go to Hatfield

    hatfieldhouseoldpalaceOn this day in history, the 18th October 1555, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, finally received permission from her half-sister, Mary I, to leave court and travel to her own estate at Hatfield, rather than return to house arrest in Woodstock.

    Elizabeth, the future Elizabeth I, had been treated with suspicion by Mary and her council since Wyatt's Revolt in early 1554. David Starkey says of the Revolt: "The rebellion of 1554 - known from the leader of its most important sector as Wyatt's Revolt - brought Elizabeth to her nadir. It led to the most dangerous and difficult time of her life when she feared imminent execution or murder. She even expressed a preference as to how she should die: like her mother, by the sword, rather than by the axe."1
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