This month we're so pleased to have been able to interview Toni Mount who is a regular contributor to the Tudor Life magazine, and, of course, is well known as a writer of non-fiction and fiction history books.
We interviewed Toni Mount yesterday using Skype, and, unfortunately, the sound recording was made difficult to hear because of a fan we had running at our end of the conversation. We've applied a whole host of audio processing to the recording, and it's a LOT better, but it isn't perfect. So we've also had the recording transcribed which helps
a lot.
Our sincere apologies to Toni that the recording didn't turn out brilliantly - you were amazing, and, along with the transcript, we hope that members still enjoy your talk with us. Technology!
Really really interesting. I read the transcript and was fascinated by medicine in the Tudor times. I’m a beekeeper and work in a hospital ( not as a beekeeper ) I know a poor joke but I know the healing benefits of honey.I work on a vascular ward and we use dressing impregnated with honey and maggots are still used although they come in a big tea bag. Some of the so called cures of the Tudor period were horrific .
I also read the transcript and found it very interesting. It’s funny that people actually did come up with correct cures but were ignored in their day. When I was indexing 18th and 19th century newspapers, cholera outbreaks were terrible here. In one of the papers there was a two or three sentence, tiny article up in a corner of a page that a doctor had written saying that he thought the cure for cholera was a mixture of water, sugar, and salt. He was right. People blamed the cholera on cantaloupe at one point but apparently this doctor was ignored.