Thanks to those who joined us on the Facebook live last Friday. We have downloaded it and saved it here for you to enjoy. Claire Ridgway gave us a great talk on Henry VII and then opened up for questions.
Thanks to those who joined us on the Facebook live last Friday. We have downloaded it and saved it here for you to enjoy. Claire Ridgway gave us a great talk on Henry VII and then opened up for questions.
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I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to join in the live talk on Henry VII but I have just watched it now. I enjoyed hearing all about the dynamics between Henry VII, his mother and his wife. It does appear that both women were the strength behind this successful King who began the Tudor dynasty. I also believe that his wife (Elizabeth) probably did appreciate his mother’s strong presence, especially early on in their marriage. Elizabeth proved herself a worthy wife and queen to King Henry VII and it appears that there developed real love and respect between them. Elizabeth aged 37 when she died – I’ve no doubt she was deeply mourned by all, including her mother-in-law. Great talk Claire. Thankyou!