The Tudor Society

Have you seen our testimonials?

Since Sept 1 2014 we've been happily adding more and information to the Tudor Society, including weekly videos, monthly expert talks, live chat transcripts, monthly magazines and so much more!

One thing we'd love to share with you is that we've also had a whole lot of testimonials from happy members. They get added to constantly and we realised that we don't highlight our members enough!

Anyway, you can see the testimonials here:
And here are a random selection of them for you to see:

The magazines have a great format and are nice and varied in content. Full of lots of little facts that you may not know or points of view you may not have considered in the past and I also really liked the quizzes- I was at work so it was nice to take a break and test my knowledge!!

Lauren The Tudor Society November 2, 2016

I am very impressed so far with the content of the website and I have now received my mug and pin badge. Thank you!

Martin The Tudor Society February 19, 2019

The website is huge, with lots of content, but everything is so easy to navigate and so well thought, the only thing you can get lost in is our passion for Tudor history.

Charlotte The Tudor Society August 22, 2019

Favourite part? Getting to chat in real time with like-minded folks. It was an inspiration for my Friday night blog about Anne so loved it for that too.

Gayle The Tudor Society October 31, 2016

I'm extremely exited about your site, what I have read so far is great!

Michele The Tudor Society July 12, 2015

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