The Tudor Society

Video – Elizabeth I’s Coronation Procession and The Quenes Maiesties Passage

In today's Claire Chats video I talk about Richard Tottel's pamphlet on Elizabeth I's Coronation Procession, which was printed just days after the procession, and share with you details from it about the pageants.

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  1. C

    Hi Claire

    I started to listen to your chat about the book on Elizabeth’s procession but unfortunately, my broadband gave up and I wasn’t able to hear to the end. Could you tell me if a copy of the book is available to buy anywhere? I would really like to get a copy.

    Many thanks

    1. C - Post Author

      There are facsimiles of the original on Abebooks but if you want the hardback with the beautiful map etc. then you want the 1960 edition edited by James M. Osborn which is available on Amazon – see

      1. C

        Thank you Claire, I shall definitely be purchasing a copy.

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Video – Elizabeth I’s Coronation Procession and The Quenes Maiesties Passage