The Tudor Society

December 31 – Bishop Owen Oglethorpe

On this day in Tudor history, 31st December 1559, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, Bishop Owen Oglethorpe died while under house arrest in London. The Bishop of Carlisle was buried at St Dunstan-in-the-West on 6th January 1560.

Oglethorpe officiated at Elizabeth I's coronation in 1559 but had angered the queen at Christmas 1558 by disobeying her instructions at Mass.

What did Oglethorpe do and why did he end his days under house arrest?

There are 4 comments Go To Comment

  1. G

    Have just recently found out that Owen Oglethorpe is my 14th Great Grandfather on my maternal side of the family.Finding out all this information on his life has been thrilling for me as you can imagine.I was born in New Zealand and still reside here.
    Thank you for your video presentation on Owen.

  2. R

    Do you know if the Bishop Owen O. had children? I’m trying to prepare a family tree and I’m getting conflicting information on him in research. Some sources said he had no children others indicate he had a daughter named Elizabeth while yet others say Elizabeth was his sister. Any thoughts?
    Thanks, Richard
    San Diego, CA.

  3. R

    Owen is also my 14th great grandfather from his relationship and subsequent marriage to Constance Carr,this following the law of 1548 allowing clergy to marry, Their daughter
    was Elizabeth Catherine Oglethorpe 1518-1570 and was my 13th great grandmother.So Elizabeth was born a bastard but upon her parents marriage was legitamised,as continues today in English law. This is a thouroughly Yorkshire family and I am proud to descend from them through my mothers Maude family.Hope this helps

  4. R

    Excellent thanks for clearing up a mystery on The Bishop and whether he had children…Very grateful…Richard (of Ragsdale Family)

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December 31 – Bishop Owen Oglethorpe