As yesterday was the anniversary of the Battle of Bosworth, why not test your knowledge of this historic battle.
Battle of Bosworth Quiz
You can enjoy the following articles on the Battle of Bosworth from Tudor Life magazine:
- Bosworth's Lost Commander by Susan Fern - see March issue at
- Henry Tudor, Richard III and the Stanleys by Mike Ingram - see December issue at
- Bosworth: The Day the Tudors Came by Mike Ingram - see January issue at
Henry VII, love him or not, was a man with clear goals, a diamond-drill mind, and attention to detail at which most mere mortals can marvel. What. A. Boss. Thanx for the quiz.
Although Richard didn’t say A horse….so on, Shakespeare has been misinterpreted anyway as Richard is often presented by earlier authorities on the play as being prepared to flee, when the sources, even the hostile ones agree he died literally, fighting manfully in the midst of his enemies. Even Shakespeare meant him to be seen as calling for a horse in order to continue the battle. This mistake has been highlighted recently, but I can’t recall the article. Shakespeare becomes ironically important when we consider that Richard is now known to have indeed lost his horse from under him, after he took out Henry’s standard bearer and unhorsed the giant John Cheney and was killed by several blows while fighting on foot. Had Richard reached the goal of his heroic charge, whom he missed by a few feet before being driven back, Henry Tudor would have been killed and we wouldn’t be having this fantastic website to read more articles on. History really does turn on a coin or a wheel.