12 June – Richard Rich, lawyer and torturer
11 June – Sir Anthony Cooke
11th June 1576 was the death date of Sir Anthony Cooke, a well-known Tudor humanist and educator with famous daughters.
Find out more about this Tudor man in today’s edition of #TudorHistoryShorts…
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10 June – Execution by starvation
Sir Richard Hawkins (1560-1622)
Richard Hawkins was born in Plymouth and was the only son of Sir John Hawkins and his first wife, Katherine Gonson. His mother was the daughter of Benjamin Gonson, the treasurer of the navy, the position his father John took in 1577, so the seafaring life was in his blood. Little is known regarding Richard’s education; it isn’t clear whether he attended university or an inn of the court, but he had reasonable fluency in Latin and the educational skills expected from gentlemen at the time. Therefore, although he grew up among ships and seamen, he will have enjoyed a period of schooling, presumably in Plymouth. A lot of what we know about Richard Hawkins comes from his autobiography ‘Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, knight in his voyage into the southern sea, A.D 1593, which he wrote until around 1599. Although written by Richard himself, it isn’t easy to know whether all the details are correct.
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9 June – From traitor to sword bearer
Artists in the Spotlight – Kristina
June 2021 at the Tudor Society!
8 June – Mary is very wrong
7 June – The execution of Elizabeth I’s physician
6 June – William Hunnis, a man lucky to die a natural death
Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon Crossword Puzzle
5 June – Robert Devereux is in trouble
4 June – Amy Robsart
Living Tudor History – Tudor Furniture Part 1
Join Brigitte on this week’s Friday video as she shows us some unique and authentic Tudor furniture that she has in her Tudor property. Relatively few pieces have actually survived from such a long time ago, but Brigitte has some amazing examples.
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3 June – A bishop who helped his poorly queen
On this day in Tudor history, 3rd June 1594, John Aylmer, Bishop of London, died.
Hear a story about how he suffered pain to help a poorly Queen Elizabeth I in this edition of #TudorHistoryShorts:
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2 June – Sir Francis Bigod is executed
On this day in Tudor history, 2nd June 1537, in the reign of King Henry VIII, Sir Francis Bigod and two of his fellow rebels were executed at Tyburn.
Why had this reformer rebelled against the king and what had happened?
Find out in this #TudorHistoryShorts video:
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Henry VII – Facebook Live Video
1 June – Anne Boleyn’s coronation
In today’s #TudorHistoryShorts, I share a few facts about Queen Anne Boleyn’s coronation, which took place on this day in Tudor history, 1st June 1533, at Westminster Abbey.
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Behind the series: Anne Boleyn
Siobhan Clarke – Dress, Dazzle & Display – Expert Talk
Ever wondered what Tudor people wore, how their status affected what they could put on, and how clothing changed throughout the Tudor period? Join Siobhan Clarke as she takes us on a journey through time to see what was in fashion!
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