The Tudor Society

19 May – St Dunstan’s Day

Happy St Dunstan's Day! Here is some information on this feast day taken from our Feast Days section:

St Dunstan (909-988) was Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, Bishop of Worcester, Bishop of London, and Archbishop of Canterbury, serving Kings Edgar and Edward the Martyr. He is known for restoring monastic life, reforming the English church and his service as a minister of state. Before Thomas Becket, St Dunstan was the most popular English saint, and he is the patron saint of goldsmiths, silversmiths, musicians, locksmiths and blacksmiths.

According to Ruth Goodman of the Tudor Monastery Farm team, the feast day of St Dunstan was the traditional day to do spring-cleaning.

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  1. m

    and the Patron Saint of Brewers I believe. It is alleged that on May 19 he prayed for a late frost, to kill the Apple blossom on Cider trees. As a cider maker I think that was not very charitable! It is however a useful reminder of the earliest date to plant out tender plants.
    PS Is all the saint feast days on their birthday?

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19 May – St Dunstan’s Day